Data Scientist | Researcher | Data guy | Mentor | Author

Hi, I'm Carl, a data scientist, data leader (currently VP, Data at Weight Watchers Intl in New York), and all round data guy based in New York. I'm passionate about helping organizations extract value from their data and wrote a book about being data-driven.
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Creating a Data-Driven Organization

What do you need to become a data-driven organization? Far more than having big data or a crack team of unicorn data scientists, it requires establishing an effective, deeply-ingrained data culture. This practical book shows you how true data-drivenness involves processes that require genuine buy-in across your company, from analysts and management to the C-Suite and the board.

Through interviews and examples from data scientists and analytics leaders in a variety of industries, author Carl Anderson explains the analytics value chain you need to adopt when building predictive business models--from data collection and analysis to the insights and leadership that drive concrete actions. You'll learn what works and what doesn't, and why creating a data-driven culture throughout your organization is essential.

Anderson, C. 2015. Creating a Data-Driven Organization. O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA.

Open Source projects

Blog Posts

I blog on topics such as datascience and statistics (DS), data science of wine (Wine), AI (AI), and being data-driven (DD).

A couple of recent articles about my work:


In a former life, I used to study complex systems, self-organization, and work organization in insect societies.


  1. Daniel-Weiner, R., Cardell, M.I., Skarlinski, M., Goscilo, A., Anderson, C., Foster, G.D,. 2023. Enabling Informed Decision Making in the Absence of Detailed Nutrition Labels: A Model to Estimate the Added Sugar Content of Foods. Nutrients 15(4): 803-.

  2. 2019

  3. Anderson, C. 2019. Business Intelligence. Chapter in Data Science in Practice (Said, A. Ed.), Springer. pp. 97--118. 10.1007/978-3-319-97556-6.

  4. 2018

  5. Anderson, C. 2018. A survey of food recommenders.

  6. Anderson, C., Bailey, C., Heumann, A., Davis, D. 2018. Augmented Space Planning: using procedural generation to automate desk layouts. International Journal of Architectural Computing 16(2): 164-177. [pdf]

  7. 2017

  8. Phelan, N., Davis, D., Anderson, C. 2017. Evaluating Architectural Layouts with Neural Networks. SimAUD 2017, Toronto, CA.

  9. 2008

  10. Anderson, C., Buchsbaum, D., Potter, J., Bonabeau, E. 2008. Making interactive evolutionary graphic design practical. Studies in Computational Intelligence (SCI) 80: 125-141. [pdf]

  11. 2006

  12. Anderson, C. 2006. Creation of Desirable Complexity: strategies for designing self-organized systems. Complex Engineering Systems (D. Braha, A. Minai & Y. Bar-Yam, eds.). Volume in the New England Complex Systems Institute Series on Complexity. Perseus Books Group., pp101-121
  13. Anderson, C. 2006. Multicellular Techniques: from Social Insects to Collective Robotics. Handbook on Nature Inspired Computing for Economy and Management (J-P Rennard, ed.). Volume I: pp. x-y.
  14. Bath, S.K., Hayter, A.J., Cairns, D.A., Anderson, C. 2006. Characterization of home range using point peeling algorithms. Journal of Wildlife Management 70(2): 422-434. [pdf]

  15. 2005

  16. Anderson, C., Rothermich, J.R., Bonabeau, E. 2005. Modeling, Quantifying and Testing Complex Aggregate Service Chains. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2005), July 2005, Orlando, Florida. [pdf]
  17. McShea, D.W., and C. Anderson. 2005. The remodularization of the organism. Pages 185-206 (Chapter 8) in: Modularity: Understanding the Development and Evolution of Natural Complex Systems. (W. Callebaut and D. Rasskin-Gutman, Eds). MIT Press.

  18. 2004

  19. Anderson, C, Balch, T. 2004. Guest Editorial for special issue arising from the 2nd International workshop on The Mathematics and algorithms of Social Insects. Adaptive Behaviour 12(3/4): 145-14. [pdf]
  20. Anderson, C. 2004. Linking micro- to macro-level behavior in the aggressor-defender-stalker game. Adaptive Behaviour 12(3/4): 175-185. [pdf]
  21. Anderson, C., Bonabeau, E. and Scott. J. M. 2004. Evolutionary testing as both a testing and redesign tool: a study of a shipboard firemain's valve and pump controls. Pages 1089-1097 in Proceedings of CEC 2004, Portland, Oregon.[pdf].
  22. Anderson, C. and N. R. Franks. 2004. Teamwork in ants, robots and humans. Advances in the Study of Behavior 33:1--48. [pdf].

  23. 2003

  24. Conference proceedings: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop of the Mathematics and Algorithms of Social Insects (Carl Anderson, Tucker Balch, Eds.), December 15-17, 2003, Georgia Institute of Technology.
  25. Anderson, C. 2003. Linking micro- to macro-level behavior in the aggressor-defender-stalker game. Pages 9--16 of Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop of the Mathematics and Algorithms of Social Insects (Carl Anderson, Tucker Balch, Eds.), December 15-17, 2003, Georgia Institute of Technology.
  26. Kittithreerapronchai, O. and C. Anderson. 2003. Do ants paint trucks better than chickens? Market versus response thresholds for distributed dynamic scheduling. Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Canberra, Australia, December 8-12 2003. [pdf].
  27. Anderson, C. and McMillan, E. 2003. Of Ants and Men: self-organized teams in human and insect organizations. Emergence 5(2): in press. [pdf].
  28. Anderson, C., S. Cremer, and J. Heinze. 2003. Live and let die: why fighter males of the ant Cardiocondyla tolerate their winged rivals. Behavioral Ecology 14: 54-62. [pdf]

  29. 2002

  30. Hart, A.G., C. Anderson, and F.LW. Ratnieks. 2002. Task partitioning in leafcutting ants. Acta ethologica 5: 1-11. [pdf].
  31. Anderson, C., G. Theraulaz, and J.L. Deneubourg. 2002. Self-assemblages in insect societies. Insectes Sociaux 49(2): 99-110. [pdf]
  32. Anderson, C., J.J. Boomsma, and J.J. Bartholdi, III. 2002. Task partitioning in insect societies: bucket brigades. Insectes sociaux 49(2): 171-180. [pdf]
  33. Anderson, C. 2002. Self-organization in relation to several similar concepts: are the boundaries to self-organization indistinct? Biological Bulletin 202: 247-255. [pdf]
  34. Gautrais, J., G. Theraulaz, J.L. Deneubourg, and C. Anderson. 2002. Emergent polyethism as a consequence of increased colony size in insect societies. Journal of Theoretical Biology 215: 363-373. [pdf]

  35. 2001

  36. Anderson, C., and D.W. McShea. 2001. Intermediate-level parts in insect societies: adaptive structures that ants build away from the nest. Insectes Sociaux 48(4): 291-301. [pdf]
  37. Anderson, C., and J.L. Jadin. 2001. The adaptive value of leaf transfer in Atta colombica. Insectes Sociaux 48(4): 404-405. [pdf]
  38. Anderson, C., N.R. Franks, and D.W. McShea. 2001. The complexity and hierarchical nature of tasks in insect societies. Animal Behaviour 62: 643-651. [pdf]
  39. Franks, N.R., A.B. Sendova-Franks, and C. Anderson. 2001. Division of labour within teams of New World and Old World Army Ants. Animal Behaviour 62: 635-642. [pdf]
  40. Hatchwell, B., C. Anderson, D.J. Ross, M.K. Fowlie, and P.G. Blackwell, P.G. 2001. Social organisation of cooperatively breeding long-tailed tits: kinship and the spatial dynamics of flocks. Journal of Animal Ecology 70: 820-830. [pdf]
  41. Anderson, C., and N.R. Franks. 2001. Teams in animal societies. Behavioral Ecology 12(5): 534-540. [pdf]
  42. Anderson, C., and D.W. McShea. 2001. Individual versus social complexity, with particular reference to ant colonies. Biological Reviews 76(2): 161-209. [pdf]
  43. Anderson, C. 2001. The adaptive value of inactive foragers and the scout-recruit system in honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies. Behavioral Ecology 12(1):111-119. [pdf]

  44. 2000

  45. Anderson, C., and J.J. Bartholdi, III. 2000. Centralized versus decentralized control in manufacturing: lessons from social insects. Pages 92-108 in "Complexity and Complex Systems in Industry," Proceedings, University of Warwick, 19th-20th September 2000, (McCarthy, I. P. and Rakotobe-Joel T, Eds.). The University of Warwick, UK. [pdf]
  46. Anderson, C, and F.L.W. Ratnieks. 2000. Task partitioning in insect societies: novel situations. Insectes Sociaux 47(2):198-199. [pdf]

  47. 1999

  48. Anderson, C., and F.L.W. Ratnieks. 1999. Task partitioning in insect societies (I): Effect of colony size on queueing delay and colony ergonomic efficiency. American Naturalist 154(5): 521-535. [pdf]
  49. Ratnieks, F.L.W., and C. Anderson. 1999. Task partitioning in insect societies (II): use of queueing delay information in recruitment. American Naturalist 154(5): 536-548. [pdf]
  50. Anderson, C., and F.L.W. Ratnieks. 1999. Task partitioning in foraging: general principles, efficiency and information reliability of queueing delays. Pages 31-50 in: C. Detrain, J. L. Deneubourg and J. M. Pasteels (Eds.) Information Processing in Social Insects. Birkhäuser, Basel.
  51. Anderson, C., and F.L.W. Ratnieks. 1999. Worker allocation in insect societies: coordination of nectar foragers and nectar receivers in honey bee colonies. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 46:73-81. [pdf]
  52. Ratnieks, F.L.W., and C. Anderson 1999. Task partitioning in insect societies. Insectes Sociaux 46(2): 95-108. [pdf]
  53. Ratnieks, F.L.W., and C. Anderson. 1999. Task partitioning in insect societies. Actes des Colloques Insects Sociaux, L'Union Internationale pour l'Etude des Insectes Sociaux, Section Francaise, Vol. 12, edited by J. P. Lachaud and V. Fourcassie, pp.1-10.

  54. 1998

  55. Anderson, C. 1998. Simulation of the feedbacks and regulation of recruitment dancing in honey bees. Advances in Complex Systems 1: 267-282. [ps]

  56. 1997

  57. Anderson, C., P.G. Blackwell and C. Cannings. 1997. Simulating ants that forage by expectation. In: P. Husbands and I. Harvey (Eds.) Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Artificial Life. pp. 531-538. MIT Press, London. [ps]
  58. Stewart, P.D., C. Anderson, and D.W. Macdonald. 1997. A Mechanism for Passive Range Exclusion: Evidence from the European badger (Meles meles). Journal of Theoretical Biology 184(3): 279-289. [pdf]

  59. 1994

  60. Anderson, C. 1994. Decapod crustacean species of Aride Island, Seychelles. Phelsuma 2:35-49.
  61. Anderson, C. 1994. Seychelles sunbirds (Nectarinia dussumieri) on Aride Island. Phelsuma 2: 67-70.

Book reviews

  1. Anderson, C. 2001. Book Review: Bonabeau, E., Dorigo, M. and Theraulaz, G. 1999. Swarm Intelligence: From Natural to Artificial Systems. Santa Fe Institute on the Sciences of Complexity. Oxford University Press, New York. Quarterly Review of Biology 76: 268-269.
  2. Anderson, C. 2000 [but actually published in 2001] Book Review: J. Scott Turner. 2000. The Extended Organism: The Physiology of Animal-Built Structures. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 384 pp. Complexity 6(2):58-59. [pdf]
  3. Anderson, C. 2001. Book review: Signs of Life by Ricard Sole and Brian Goodwin [Basic Books, NY]. American Scientist Sept/Oct issue 89(5): 470-471. Online version here
  4. Anderson C. 2001. Self-organized behaviour: case studies. Book review: Camazine S., Deneubourg J.L., Franks N.R., Sneyd J., Theraulaz G. and Bonabeau E. 2001. Self-organization in Biological Systems. Princeton University Press. Complexity 7(2): 14-15. [pdf]

Articles featuring my work
